Jai Institute of Nursing and Research is recognized by the government of India and affiliated to Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi and included the ambit of Jiwaji University, Gwalior. The institution was established in the year 2006, with the view of imparting nursing education to a wide variety of rural and urban students
JAI INSTITUTE OF NURSING AND RESEARCH (JINR) embodies the moralistic principles of service to others; a commitment to social justice, and life-long learning. Our values embrace the international community, compassionate emphasis, guidance, scholarship, clinical proficiency, and collegiality to strengthen and transform the health of individuals and community worldwide. We believe that the fundamental course in nursing requires a good understanding of the scientific principles, as the nursing education has to be in synchronization with the environment that is in accordance with the accepted principles of the nursing profession and required knowledgeable skills and attitude which are based on the values to provide holistic health care.